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Turtles and Tortoises for Dummies

Forfatter: Liz Paliko
Målform: Engelsk
Forlag: John Wiley and Sons
Antall sider: 292
Pris: 240 kr.
ISBN: 9780764553134

Coexisting with a turtle or tortoise may not be a warm and fuzzy experience, but it definitely has its rewards. And with more than 250 species to choose from, you're bound to find one that's right for you. Looks-wise, they can range from very plain and unadorned to a brightly colored and embellished with every manner of crest, crown, spike, and dewlap. As for personality, you'd be amazed at how very different they can be, ranging from shy and withdrawn, to outgoing and friendly, to outright aggressive. And when it comes to longevity, well, let's just say that when you commit to a turtle or tortoise, you're in it for the long haul. For example, the standard American box turtle can live more than 125 years, a leopard tortoise has a life span of up to 100 years, and an aldabran tortoise can live to be more than 200 years old This fun guide will help you choose the perfect turtle or tortoise for your lifestyle and give it the care it needs to thrive.  
Turtle and tortoise expert Liz Palika provides cl ear, step-by-step instructions on how to: Select the appropriate turtle or tortoise Provide a suitable environment for your new pal Care for a variety of chelonian (turtle and tortoise) species Supply you pet with a satisfying and healthy diet Create an indoor or outdoor home Understand your turtle's or tortoise's special needs Generously illustrated with line drawings and high-quality photographs, "Turtles & Tortoises For Dummies" covers all the bases.  
Topics covered include:  
- Deciding whether a turtle or tortoise is right for you  
- Choosing between a turtle and tortoise  
- Who's Who of turtles and tortoises--a complete guide to dozens of species, where they're from, what they're like, andhow they are as pets  
- Creating a safe and healthy environment for your pet  
- Recognizing and treating common health problems and finding a good veterinarian to help you care for your chelonian  
"Turtles & Tortoises For Dummies" is your fun guide to selecting, caring for, and sharing your life with a chelonian.

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